St Cecilia's Catholic Primary School
Port Hedland
35 Sutherland Street
Tel: (08) 9174 7000
St Cecilia's
Catholic Primary School
Port Hedland
Family &
Welcome to St Cecilia’s, Pt Hedland
Along with the staff, I take great delight in welcoming you to St Cecilia’s, a Catholic, co-educational, single-stream primary school catering for students from Kindergarten to Year Six. St Cecilia’s is steeped in tradition, from the founding families to the Presentation Sisters who established our school in 1942. We continue to recognise our history and tradition as we strive to meet the needs of our community in creating a positive and safe learning environment in which each student feels supported, encouraged and valued.
As Principal, my number one priority is the happiness and safety of every child. As children grow and learn more about their world, they will be influenced by many people, who will have an impact on their decisions and attitudes towards themselves and to the world. Our motto is ‘Faith, Family, Friendship’ and in recognising the importance of parents and guardians as first educators, we seek to create a community of family whereby meaningful partnerships with parents and guardians are established and strengthened to ensure our students achieve to the best of their ability. In essence, this means that the whole development of each child is the responsibility of every member of our community. Teachers and parents, the peer group and the community all contribute to the progress children make in their learning.
St Cecilia’s is first and foremost a Catholic school; a faith-sharing community that has strong relationships with the parishes of St Cecilia’s, Port Hedland and St John the Baptist, South Hedland. We work with our parish priests, Father Edward Khaemba and Father Gaspar Mushi, to prepare our students for their sacramental life and to equip them with the Christian values and skills necessary to develop as faith-filled members of our community. We also offer a range of specialist learning opportunities, incorporating Health and Physical Education, Science, Digital Technology, Design Technology and Chinese. A 1:1 iPad program from Years Two to Six provide for a range of diverse and differentiated learning and support programs, such as MultiLit and Smiling Minds, cater for the range of learning and wellbeing needs of students.
As principal, I would welcome the opportunity to speak with you about any aspect of your child’s education and prospective enrolment at St Cecilia’s Catholic Primary School. I look forward to working with all members of our school community as we strive to not only continue to make St Cecilia’s a wonderful community to be part of, but also to provide our students with every available opportunity to reach their full potential.
Mrs Mandy Sheen

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